Aim: digital education with a focus on assessment and feedback.
- Diversifying assessment practice.
- Making assessment more engaging for students and academics.
- Supporting new kinds of feedback.
Short- to medium-term actions
- Launch a cross-university, discipline-sensitive programme of work to increase diversity in forms of assessment, including multimodal (video, audio, image, making) and experiential forms (projects, blogs, reflections, reports).
- Build a culture – supported by technology as appropriate – in which students have greater choice over the form of their assessments. Enable risk-taking by, for example, giving students greater choice over which assignments count toward final marks.
- Focus academic development and course design around building exceptional learning experiences, rather than on assessment and performance.
- Promote a culture shift away from exams
where possible. Use appropriate technology, including AI-supported methods, to enable peer assessment, self assessment and timely formative feedback. - Critically evaluate and build capacity for high quality automated assessment and feedback appropriate to disciplines, as a way of augmenting and supporting human assessment.
- Create a platform to open up students’ access to each other’s assessed work after submission for peer learning and feedback.