— From Zoë Prosser and Santini Basra
Using the education futures that were created in the first task group workshop, we ran a second workshop in which participants were challenged to create a vision of a University of Edinburgh that would exist within their worlds.
In each instance, they had to consider what the University might do to embrace the values and opinions that emerged from the community scoping phase of the project (for more on these, see the previous post — NFT methods: community scoping and crafting worlds), while still flourishing in each future world.
A series of diverse, yet possible future University of Edinburghs emerged from this workshop. Consolidating these, we captured them as annotated illustrations (fig.1 below).
These future Universities will function within this project as thought experiments; instead of serving as any kind of ‘preferable vision,’ they will be used as source material to inform a discussion around various probable futures and their respective risks and opportunities.
In addition, we can use the aforementioned values as a way to qualify what ‘preferable’ looks like to the staff and students at the University. Cross referencing these values with the material captured in the future University of Edinburghs will help us start to develop a rich understanding of what a ‘preferable’ future vision of digital education at the University might look like.