As part of the Near Future Teaching project we have been working on two short reviews which attempt to summarise what we see as the key trends and influences likely to be shaping digital education in universities over the short to medium term.

We have created two of these and want to share them with others who might find them useful:

Future Teaching trends: education and society (4 pages plus references)

Future Teaching trends: science and technology (6 pages plus references)

In writing them, we have focused on aligning the analysis of key trends with the insights coming out of our work with the students and staff who constitute the university (you can see thematic summaries of the things people are discussing here on our video page).

So while there are plenty of megatrend reports, horizon scanning documents, key trends barometers, policy documents and foresight analyses out there which have helped us, we have focused on maintaining a critical edge which looks at what the impact of current technological and educational trends might be on students, staff, communities and the universities in which we work.

If you have any feedback on the reviews, please get in touch.